A short story about Andrew Patterson and Cesaltino Barros Pereira

Andrew James Patterson is a writer and a photographer who lives in Auckland, New Zealand. He was born on August 13th, 1961. Cesaltino Barros Pereira Was born on October 29th, 1993 and am from Baguia, Timor  Leste.
Here, I would like to make a short story about Mr. Andrew Patterson who makes friend with me Cesaltino Barros Pereira  who he always calls Atino.
Andrew Patterson is a New Zelandian who works with Father Chris Ryles from Australia. They were donators to Baguia orphanage and it’s the place where I lived when I was 4th grade (primary school) in 2004. Mr. Andrew visited that place in December, 2005, at that moment that we met then I made friend with him and we’re friendlier than the others.  
In January and December, 2007 he visited us again in Baguia Orphanage. At that moment, I was 10th grade (Junior high school) so that I could speak a little English with him and our relationship was very deep.
 His last visiting was on November, 2008. At that time, I could play guitar as well so that I play and guitar and we sang a welcome song to him.  After singing, he went closer with me and he ask me like this “Are you Atino?” Do you remember me?then I answered with smile face that Yes I am Atino and I remember you, you’re Mr. Andrew.
From that moment we were really friend, he taught me how to tell the times in English and he gave a book about  “ Telling the Time´ to me. On the other hand, my older brother José Pereira also made friend with him that’s why we could bring him to our home at Rufaguia. I was very happy to look at Mr. Andrew’s generosity that really simple to walk with us to our home and we had potato friend for lunch together.
When he left to Australia I felt really sad  that’s why I wrote him a letter but  I was  really happy when He told Father Jojo that he already read my letter.     
After he went back to New Zealand, he never comes back to Timor again, I finished my study at junior high school and I continued my senior high school at Fatumaca College in 2001 until 2013.

 I always looked him but I ever had been getting him. Furthermore, I study at UNTL University in 2004 but I still couldn’t find him.
In December, few weeks ago that Mr. Andrew left his number with one of our brother and he told him to give that number to me so that I could contact him.
I contacted Mr. Andrew on Friday 20th, December 2019 afternoon and I found his answering on Saturday morning.
At this moment fulfill with really interesting story. I am happy but I fall my tears when Mr. Andrew send me our old photos and my letter that I wrote him and he tell me that he always reads that letter when he needs. Moreover, he says that about 10 years I look about you but right now God gives me a way to find you and we’re together again. Till today, your letter I still save and I put your photos on my desk so that I looked at you when I feel tired and sad.
At this moment many people talk about us and our relationship. Mr. Andrew promise to me that he will come back to Timor in January or February 2020. Through our relationship it’s telling us that we’re not only friend but we’re family right now. He also says that He will care me like his son and He is my father.  He also promises to me that he will visit my mom and my dad too.
With this opportunity I would like to thank God because with His grace we could meet each other again and as same as Mr. Andrew because he says that he doesn’t want to lose me again and me too.
That’s all our short story about how we make a friend relationship till we’re family. We hope that God may always blesses us in our daily activity and blesses our relationship to be strengthened.
                                                                                                                                   by :Altty & Amyra

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